Laundry Room and Mudroom before and after.
I’m excited to share our latest home improvement project with you. Last month, we made some big improvements to our mudroom and laundry room. We also went from a front loader washing machine back to a top loader…more on that below, but for now, here’s the new look!
We went from knotty alder cabinets to bright and white cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling. We now have so much more storage in these rooms, and I’m loving it. One of the biggest changes made was making the switch from a front loader washing machine back to a top loader machine. I can’t tell you how happy I was to get back to a top loader.
Here are my big reasons for switching back to a top loader machine, but first I need to share the reasons why I wanted a front loader in the first place 9 years ago:
1. I wanted a front loader because I had heard that it uses less water. – It’s true, it does use less water, but as I got to thinking about it, I’d rather have as much water as we need to make sure our clothes are cleaned well. As a family we don’t consume that much water in general, so the water consumption was a non-issue.
2. I wanted a front loader because I loved how the washer and the dryer looked together side by side. I know…as crazy as that may sound, this was one of my reasons. – I’m now over this and way more into function than appearance…on this one. 😉
Here are my big reasons for switching back to a top loader washing machine:
1. I love being able to soak items and with a front loader, you can’t really do this the same way you can with a top loader machine.
2. I missed the agitator. Our new machine doesn’t exactly have an agitator, but it does have something in the middle that moves the clothes around. Overall I feel like our clothes are getting more clean with our new top loader machine than they were with the tumbling effects of the front loader.
3. With a front loader washing machine, you have to leave the door open when it’s not in use to avoid mildew. This was a big factor for me in making the switch back to a top loader. Even with the door closed on this new machine, I don’t have to worry about it getting all hot, stinky (…and my least favorite word…moist) in there. 😉
4. The clothes would always get so tangled together with the front loader and as I unloaded them, they would always land on the floor as they made their way to the dryer.
Our old machines were by Frigidaire, and our new machines are by SamSung. The Samsung AquaJet washer and the dryer.
So far they’re working great! Our clothes are coming out so good, and I don’t have to leave the door open on the washer or wipe the inside down like I used to on our old machines.
Here’s what our mudroom looked like before. We had an Ikea shelf that became a catch all. We were stuffing coats, backpacks…you name it into those square little cubbies. It just wasn’t ideal for a mudroom.
Here’s the look now. We now have hooks to hang backpacks and jackets plus a bench to sit on if you need to take off wet boots or snow clothes. And look at all that storage! Last minute I had our cabinet guy Mike add in those little open shelves to break up all the white and I’m so glad we did. It will be so useful for quick grab and go items or to decorate.
Here’s what our laundry room looked like before with the front loaders.
There was a little counter top in there that was always covered with odds and ends, because it was out of sight.
Here’s a little of the ‘during’ process. We sold our old washer/dryer and bought the new before the cabinets were installed.
Here’s what the laundry room looks like today! We now have a tall utility closet to store our vacuum, ironing board, mops and brooms. I requested a towel bar for hangers and to hang dirty wet kitchen rags so that they have a place to dry out until I get around to washing them.
That’s it! What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on front loaders vs. top loader washing machines?
Here’s a look back at our other home improvement projects along the way:
– Family Room update – Part 2 (October 2013)
– Before and After bathroom cabinets (March 2013)
– Before and After family room (June 2012)
– Before and After kitchen table (January 2010)
Very nice. I love the white cabinets.
thank you! <3
So much more storage! Perfect for the “ORGANIZER” to organize.
haha! You know it!
I am drooling over your tall utility closet. That would be one reason we’d switch to stackable washer and dryer, simply to fit it into our current laundry room. Looks beautiful!
thank you! Yes! I love the big closet!
You put a lot of thought behind your choices and that’s what makes it so fabulous. Well done, I really like the look and functionality. I’m only 1 year or so into owning my front loaders. I miss my top loader for all the reasons you listed. But love my, almost laundry mat sized, machines. But the twisted laundry? Drives me bizzurk!
I’m sure your machines are wonderful! I feel a bit guilty even talking through my reasons, because ultimately we are all so blessed. It has been fun to share, though. 🙂
I feel the SAME WAY about our front loader! My husband’s grandparents lived in Switzerland (they have both passed now) and they had the most amazing front loaders! I think that’s where front loaders got their good name – from the European ones. But whatever they decided to dumb down to make the ones to sell in America is no bueno! My clothes are all so dingy, and I cannot wait to get a new washer! I’m glad to hear someone else say they feel the same way, because I was feeling a little spoiled for having this problem. As for the water, I’m not certain, but I think the new models of top loaders still use less water than top loaders used to, but still, not comparable to how little the front loaders use. I used to take so much pride in my clean laundry. Now I just accept that all my kids’ pajamas are stained, and I end up throwing out more of their day clothes because they just look junky sooner.
I hear ya…I hope you can make the change sometime soon. You’ll love it.
I hope you found a good purpose for the old laundry room cabinets. They’re beautiful! Good work on your remodel, too.
They are actually for sale. I have them listed, do you want to buy them?
It looks amazing! I love it. And I wish I had room to go back to a top loader. We only have room for full size front loading stackers. boo. lucky you.
thanks April! Oh no, I wish you could too. I’ve loved going back to a top loader.
Kami, looks amazing! We have a similar setup over here. Question: is there a door to the garage/exterior in the mudroom? Does it swing away from the bench? I’ve always wanted to do something like this mudroom but I have a door problem! Just wondering if/how you got around it.
Is this Ali loves Curtis…Ali? If so “hi!”
thank you!
There is a door to the garage right by the bench, but I found a big white bumper thing that looks like half of a bouncy ball and it adheres to the door so that the bench won’t get dinged every time we open it. So far it works great.
I love it! Someday I will have a mud room in my house too. Thanks for the ideas!
I absolutely love what you’ve done with the space! I’m a little obsessive about before and afters. What a transformation! I’d love to paint our cabinets white. Ahhh….some day. Oh, and I’ve always had top loaders and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They aren’t as good looking as you said, but boy can they clean!
I’m of the “can’t wait for my front loader to die to buy a top loader” group, as well. AND, my launder is in my garage, so who wants to leave their washer open IN THE GARAGE?! LOVE what you did with this! Do you still have a closet (coat closet or similar) nearby that stores the rest of your seasonal outerwear, etc.? I’m trying to decide how “stupid” it would be to still hang a hook or two on my entryway wall for my kids when the closet is two steps away (but the bar is too high to reach). Sigh.
Love your transformation!
This has been a hotly debated subject in my family. My little sister and my mom prefer top loaders, while my older sister and me prefer front loaders. My mom did just buy a stackable front loader for the condo they are moving into (downsizing).
We bought an LG front loader about 4 years ago, and I loved it. When we sold our townhouse last spring – with the washer and dryer on the 3rd floor – the buyer wanted them, so I grudgingly let them go.
As we were building our new home, we lived in two places that had top-loaders. Granted, they are both older top loaders, but I was shocked at how much harder it was to get our laundry clean. I had to soak everything all the time, where I rarely needed to with my LG. And as for the clothes getting all twisted on your front loader? I don’t really have that problem with my LG, but clothes were always getting caught on the stupid agitator in the top loaders. Our clothes really took a beating while we were using the top loaders and everything looked old and worn out within a month or two.
So when we moved into our new home, I researched both front and top loaders extensively – even obsessively. I settled on a new LG front loader set. And I love it. One of my favorite features is the little magnetic thing that pops out when you open the door – it keeps the door open just enough so it doesn’t get icky, but you don’t have to have the door open all the way all the time. 🙂 I have a sink in the laundry room for the occasions when I need to soak something (like after my toddler’s massive blowout at church last Sunday…) and the washer does a great job for the rest.
And the capacity of a top loader just can’t compare to front loaders. Anything that saves me from doing more loads of laundry is a good thing. 🙂
Ok, LOVE your mud room! I wish I had one! And it was SO good to hear why you don’t like your front loader because I have been dying to get one lately. My top loader has had balancing issues and can’t spin and finish a load. {think hand ringing every. single. piece. of. laundry. before throwing it in the dryer!} But I think I’ll give the repairman a go instead of trading it in for a front loader after reading this. Enjoy your new washer and dryer and gorgeous mud room!
I’m wondering if brand does a lot for the washer debate. I really like my Samsung front loader. I’ve never been a soaker cause I find resolve/spray n wash to be very effective. I felt that the agitator wore clothes out very quickly, but it was an old model I had before. I agree- we are all blessed to not do this by hand! Love the white cabinets!
I actually couldn’t agree less with you. I finally got rid of my top loaders last year and was so pleased to get the front loader machines. I feel like my clothes are so much cleaner and I love the fact that they use less water. But I guess the great thing is we call get to choose what works best for us.
Your mud room makeover is beautiful. Nice job!
Kami, your cabinets are gorgeous. Love the inset doors. You find great contractors! And I love when you can make those kinds of changes that work for your family. So happy for you!
Hi Christina! Thank you! 🙂
I can’t wait til my front loader dies so I can go back to a top loader. Wish I would have kept with the top load. And I hate that I have to bend down so low. I was a cheap skate and didn’t buy the pedestals. 7 years later, I’m still bending over.
Looks great!
I hear ya! Just sell them on KSL. That’s what I did. Thanks Vanessa! 🙂
Had to laugh! We had the same previous washer/dryer set (including the pedestals) and just got the exact same top load set! 🙂 We love ours too for many of the same reasons.