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Corn on the Cob 101

How to easily cook corn on the cob, and cut it off the cob too!

Author: Kami | NoBiggie.net
  • 6-12 ears fresh corn on the cob peeled (or husked)
How to Boil Corn on the Cob:
  1. In a large low wide pot with a lid, bring 4 quarts of water to a boil. Season the water with 1-2 tablespoons kosher salt. 

  2. When the water has reached a boil, add the husked corn on the cob. 3-4 ears can fit depending on the size of your pot. Try not to overcrowd the corn while it cooks.

  3. Cook for 5-7 minutes with the lid on.

  4. Remove the corn with tongs to your serving platter. Serve with salted butter and salt and pepper.

How to Cut Corn Off the Cob:
  1. Take your cooked corn (you can add butter, salt and pepper before cutting it off the cob if you desire), lay it on it’s side onto a cutting board.

  2. Use a serrated knife (this is the key) and saw back and forth cutting sheets of the corn kernels off the cob. 

  3. Rotate the cob of corn clockwise and continue cutting the corn off the cob until you’ve cut all the corn off the cob. Move cut corn to a serving dish, season with butter salt and pepper and enjoy!

Recipe Notes

*You will know your corn on the cob is fully cooked because it will darken in yellow color.