The Snap Conference 2012.
I’m still on a “SNAP high”. This last weekend was the Snap Conference. It was so much fun to welcome 325 creative/DIY/craft/sewing/party bloggers to the conference and to Utah. I had the honor of being a part of the Snap Team headed by Tauni (our fearless leader), working side by side with some of the most real and inspiring bloggers I know. I feel so thankful to call them my sweet friends. The conference was a big success, the speakers inspired us all, the food was excellent, the swag was fantastic and the weather was perfect.
*Before I start my recap, I have to give a HUGE shout out to my main man, the love of my life: Kyle. He was able to work from home this last week, staying home with the kids, allowing for me to basically be gone all week even though I wasn’t very far from home. He is so supportive of everything I do with this blog, and I’m so thankful for him.
A post like this is so intimidating to write, because you are surrounded by…and you meet so many great bloggers at a conference like this, that I fear I might leave someone out in the recap. So instead, I thought I’d share a little *photo recap of my awesome experience at Snap 2012.
Just know that I LOVED dancing the night away with you, crying with you (you know who you are), laughing my head off with you, staying up most the night with you, crafting and *not crafting with you, eating with you, shopping with you, stuffing swag bags with you, decorating the big red barn with you, exchanging blog cards with you, Instagraming with you, tweeting with you, AND giving you the biggest hug to say THANK YOU for all the love and support I have felt from you over the last few months (probably the hardest months of my life). Oh…and I loved your colored jeans! 🙂
My biggest take away from Snap which also seemed to be a recurring theme: Just Be You!
Be Yourself.
I love that image above shared by Ana White as a great reminder to all of us.
I’m so glad you had a great time.
Looks like so much fun! Look at all those trendy and crafty ladies! LOVE! 🙂
SO fun to see you again Kami! I wish we could go out to lunch or shopping sometime and chat . . . hopefully someday! 😀
I want to be on a SNAP high!
Whoo hoo! I love you Kami! So glad that we could be roomies this time around 🙂
GREAT recap post! Mine is taking forever… grrr. LOL.
i just loved being able to visit with you!
you are just the best & the sweetest! wished we all lived closer! i don’t think we would ever sleep, tho. but i think i would take some lessons from justagirl & rhonna on how in the heck they do all their IG~ing & photos. they are just the best.
take care, sweet girl!
It was SO fun to meet you officially, Kami! And to chat for a bit! You have always been one of my favorites! 🙂 Great job putting all of it together!
Kami, it was so nice to meet you and get to talk to you for a few moments. You are so kind and sweet. And yes, I loved your colored jeans! Next year my new friend, next year I will be rockin’ a pair. Unless they’re no longer in style, then it’s back to plain dark denim. hehehe. I’m so glad you had such a wonderful time, you deserve it! And all of you ladies who helped Tauni put Snap together deserve to have a week long vacation now!
I got to see you from afar but I wasn’t able to connect with you (too nervous!!). Thanks for helping create such an amazing conference! I had a fabulous time!
I love you friend! so glad we were able to see each other again! it needs to be more often though! xoxo
Kami, I loved meeting you this weekend. LOVED it. You are lovely and too cute and so gracious! So glad that I had the chance to hang out with you a little bit.
So glad I had a chance to meet you and say hi this weekend. I’d love too see what you end up doing with your frame 🙂
Kami, it was so nice to talk to you for a few moments! I’m so glad that we ran into each other between sessions & could have a little one-on-one chat!! As always, you were adorable and super sweet!!
Kamii! It was so fun to see you again! You are the sweetest and seriously can make a room full of people smile. Your happiness is contagious and makes you so fun to be around! I cannot wait to see you this summer! Wish we lived closer. XO
I am so glad I went to this conference and so glad to have met you. You are even more beautiful in person!
i loved all the colorful jeans, too!
Kami, I’ll never forget our first night pow wow! If that’s all I take away from SNAP then I’m a better person for it! Thanks for being you and letting us love you for it! I adore you more then you will ever know! i walked away from that night a new person. Sounds corny I know but I really did! So happy we got to work together all year and see the hard work pay off in such a great way! Bring it on SNAP13.
I miss you already Kami!!!! You are seriously one of my favorite people, and I really mean that! I’m glad we’re friends! 🙂
loved getting to hug you in real life. 🙂
it was great to be abel to do that.
SNAP was a great time. you and your team did an awesome job!!
Super bummin’ I missed dancing with you! But at least we had Zac Efron!! I call a do-over too!!
Kami that was so much fun!!!! I loved all your cute colored jeans you were rockin’ too!! Love you girl!!! XOXO
Kami, It was great to see you again at SNAP. I’m so glad you got to come and your husband is so nice to stay home for the week. Your pictures are fabulous. I love the knit flower you made. I need to learn to do that.
Kami- I’m so glad I got to meet you! You are so genuine and sweet! Truly one of my favorites! I love your blog even more knowing how awesome you are in person!
So good to see you in this wonderful time with loving friends!! Such a good moment of learning and making friends!! So good to learn about your many good things!!